Technical Tips / How to cut mini sim into nano size sim card

DIY Make a Nano Sim from Regular Sim card for your new device: As well as Convert Nano back to Micro and Mini SIM Card

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If you bought a new mobile device. And after unboxing it and turning it on you found that your SIM card does not fit inside the new slot. Regular/Mini SIM cards are too big for the new device such as iPhone or iPad, but this trick enables you to cut down a Mini SIM card into Nano size SIM so it fits into an iPhone or iPad.

Here is how to trim your SIM card down to Nano SIM for use with iPhone and iPad

➠ Cutting Mini SIM into Nano SIM Card using SIM Cutter
Cutting Mini SIM into Nano SIM Card using SIM Cutter

SIM Card Cutter is useful for cutting/converting mini sim to micro sim and micro sim to nano size sim card. Sim cutter has two slots, one is for mini to micro size cutting and other is for micro to nano size cutting. Firstly insert your mini sim into mini to micro slot as direction shown on cutter and press it. Now insert Micro sim into micro to nano slot and press it properly. Here is Nano SIM card ready to use. If you do not have SIM Card Cutter you can also use sharp blade scissor for cutting sim card as we have described below.

➠ Mark Dimensions of Nano SIM Card on Mini SIM
Mark Dimensions of Nano SIM Card on Mini SIM

Dimensions of Mini SIM Card: 25 X 15 mm and Dimensions of Nano SIM Card: 12.30 x 8.80 mm Mark dimensions of nano sim card on mini sim card for cutting purpose.

➠ Cut your Mini Sim card into Nano Sim using Scissor
Cut your Mini Sim card into Nano Sim using Scissor

Now carefully cut marked portion of sim using sharp blade scissor to convert mini to nano size sim card. Here is your nano sim card ready to use for your new mobile device.

➠ Convert Nano Sim Card back to Micro and Mini Sim
Convert Nano Sim Card back to Micro and Mini Sim

If you are using sim cutter for cutting sim card. You can use waste of mini sim and micro sim as adapters to convert nano size sim to micro and mini size sim as we have shown in above image. Otherwise different types of adapters are easily available in the market. Use nano to micro sim card adapter to convert nano back to micro size sim card and nano to mini sim adapter to convert nano back to mini size sim card.