Automatically exclude contacts of those users who opted-out to receive further SMS
By using 'Exlusion List Wizard' feature of DRPU Bulk SMS Software, you can easily maintain or manage the contact list of those users who opted out to receive further messages.
By Tarun Tyagi
| April 25, 2016
Trick to unsubscribe contacts of those users choose not to receive further notification from you
➢ Connect your GSM phone with computer
Connect GSM technology based mobile device with computer desktop or laptop using USB cable. Download mobile device compatible software in computer from mobile manufacturer website and let the device drivers installation complete, for example we have downloaded Nokia PC Suite to install nokia mobile device drivers.
➢ Run DRPU Bulk SMS Software
Open DRPU Bulk SMS Software and select 'GSM technology based mobile phone' option for gsm technology based mobile device. In next screen click 'Next' button to proceed.
➢ Mobile Phone Connection to Software
If your mobile device details are displayed on software screen it means mobile device is connected to software. Select 'Com Port' from Connected Device List and Click 'Use Selected Device to Send SMS' button to continue.
➢ Import phone numbers list
Click on 'Load Contacts From File' option to import multiple contact numbers saved in text or excel file format. Browse the location of excel or text file of recipient numbers list.
➢ Enter message and Use Exclusion Rules to create exclusion list
Enter message that you want to send and click 'Apply this message to list items' option to apply. To exclude contact numbers of those recipients who opted out to receive further SMS. check on 'Use Exclusion Rules' option and click 'Exclusion List Wizard' button.
➢ Create contact list of those users who unsubscribe to recieve further messages
To create list of those recipients choose not to receive further SMS from you, click 'Add New' button.
➢ Enter Exclusion List Name
Give a friendly name to your exclusion list so that you can identify it easily. Type name and click 'Next' button.
➢ Add exclusion contact numbers
Browse exclusion contact numbers list saved in excel or text file format by 'Load Exclusion Number from File' option. You can also type or enter exclusion contact numbers manually using 'Enter Exclusion Number' option. Click 'Save' button to save phone numbers list.
➢ Exclusion phone numbers list created
Now exclusion phone numbers list of unsubscribers users is created. For example if you are sending promotional alerts messages, select 'User unsubscribe for Promotional Alerts' list from Available Lists option and add to 'Exclude When Sending SMS' list by clicking 'Add' button. Click Save button and Close. Now users opted out for promotional alerts will not receive messages even their contact numbers exist in main list of sending SMS.
➢ Click Send button to send SMS
You can save sent messages details by check on 'Save Sent Items' option and you can also save sent messages to templates by 'Save sent messages to Templates' option. Click 'Send' button to send messages.
➢ Current status of messages sending process
Now you can see current running status of SMS sending process and contact numbers in 'User unsubscribe for Promotional Alerts' list are automatically excluded.
➢ SMS received at recipient mobile device
SMS sending process has been completed.
DRPU Bulk SMS Software for GSM Mobile Phone